Mar 11, 2009


I'm having fun today playing with a site called Polyvore. I hope that you enjoy my whimsical piece of artwork. Have a great day.

Mar 7, 2009

Thrifting is Fun, and Smart

I have enjoyed perusing thrift stores wherever I am, and being a military wife, I've been able to check out quite a few. Part of the fun for me is finding a treasure - something special for my family or an object that has special significance in its uniqueness or charm. I proudly display several pieces of artwork that I have found thrifting. Thrift shops can be a great place to find frames. I will tape out the frame edge, gesso the painting surface, and voila! - a great new surface to play with.
Lately I have enjoyed following The Thrifty Chicks blog. It's such fun to see their finds and follow suggestions for reusing thrift shop treasures. If you are also a thrifting fan, go here to read about their idea for a USA Nation Thrift Store Month. Check out some of the other Month celebrations. Very interesting stuff.

Mar 5, 2009


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Views: 1,794 Downloads: 744 Added: 20.11.05 1200x1600 (495.6 KB) Sweet fragrance in the air

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