Jan 19, 2009

Cinnamon Buns and Snowflakes

My oldest daughter got the "hankering" for baking cinnamon buns yesterday. We all got involved.

And, voila! Yummy cinnamon buns! They are sooooo good! Sticky and gooey - just right.

I saw some wonderful snowflakes at the tiny happy blog. They are so pretty in her windows. I wanted to share some that my girls and I did in December. We'll leave them up for awhile.


  1. Hi Shar,
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment- it is so much appreciated. Yum- cinnamon buns sound delicious- they are a favorite of mine. Your painting are beautiful- what talent you have! I wish I could paint like that- ok- I wish I could paint- period! Have a great day!


  2. What a yummy, wonderful day you've spent. I'm looking forward to your interview answers.
