Jan 30, 2009

I was randomly scanning blogs and came across this cute questionnaire at Madrin Designs
and thought it would be fun to "reveal" a few fun things about myself.

1. What is my occupation right now? Stay at Home and Work Mom
2. What color are my socks right now? black
3. What am I listening to right now? Nothing - blissful silence
4. What was the last thing I ate? I AM eating Muesli as I type
5. Can I drive stick shift? Oh yeah! Fun, fun, fun
6. Last person I spoke to on the phone? My younger sister's answering machine
7. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Well, I "sent" this to myself, so, sure
8. How old are you today? Hmmm, to reveal or not? Let's say 40 something
9. What is your favorite sport to watch on tv? tennis
10. What is my fave drink? Fizzy Mineral water with tart bitter lemon - yummy
11. Have I ever colored my hair? Sure. It's fun to try different shades, but highlights look best
12. Favorite food? Just about anything Mexican, Italian, or Greek - oh, and ALL seafood
13. What was the last movie I watched? Bedtime Stories - super for adults and kids
14. Favorite day of the year? Christmas
15. How do I vent anger? deep breathing (and chocolate)
16. What was my favorite toy as a child? story books and crayons (not used together....)
17. What is my favorite season? at the end of the current season, it will always be the NEXT one
18. Cherries or blueberries? Blueberries
19. Living arrangements? Married with two wonderful daughters
20. When was the last time I cried? in the last two weeks
21. What is on the floor of my closet? Sweater boxes, shoes, carpeting
22. What did I do last night? House Hunters International, Larry King
23. What am I most afraid of? Something bad happening to my family
24. Plain,cheese,or spicy hamburgers? "I like mine w/lettuce and tomatoes, Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes..."
25. Favorite dog breed? We used to own a miniature dachsund
26. Favorite day of the week? Whichever is quiet and peaceful ( and somewhat productive)
27. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
28. what is my fave flower? Daffodils - they smell heavenly

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. HI Shar! What a fun post- it is always great to learn more. I totally agree with #17 and #25! Hope your having a #25 kind of day today! Take care~
